Is Marques Houston related to Omarion? The truth behind the R&B stars connection

 ## Who are Marques Houston and Omarion? Marques Houston and Omarion are both famous R&B singers who rose to fame in the 90s and 2000s. Marques Houston was a member of the group Immature, later known as IMx, and also starred in the sitcom Sister, Sister as Roger Evans. Omarion was the lead singer of the group B2K, which had several hit songs such as Bump, Bump, Bump and Girlfriend. He also pursued a solo career and collaborated with other artists like Bow Wow and Chris Brown. ## Are Marques Houston and Omarion related? There have been rumors that Marques Houston and Omarion are half-brothers, but this is not true. The two singers are not blood-related in any way. The confusion stems from the fact that both of their groups were managed by Chris Stokes, who is also Marques Houston's cousin. Stokes also adopted Omarion as his son when he was young, but this does not make him and Houston siblings. A tweet by @danikwateng in 2018 showed the two singers together and debunked the claim that they are half-brothers[^1^][1]. ## What is the current relationship between Marques Houston and Omarion? Marques Houston and Omarion have had a close friendship and a professional partnership for many years. They have worked together on music, movies, and tours. Houston even helped Omarion launch his solo career after B2K disbanded. However, their relationship has also faced some challenges and controversies. In 2012, Omarion accused Houston of stealing his song, I'm Up, and releasing it as his own. The two later resolved the issue and claimed that it was a misunderstanding[^2^][2]. In 2020, Houston faced backlash for marrying a 22-year-old woman named Miya Dickey, who was allegedly groomed by him since she was 12. Omarion did not publicly comment on the scandal, but some fans speculated that he distanced himself from Houston[^3^][3]. Marques Houston and Omarion are not related by blood, but they share a long history of friendship and collaboration in the R&B industry. They have also faced some ups and downs in their relationship, but they have always maintained their respect and admiration for each other. ```.
